OCTOBER 25, 7-11 PM

Project Blow-Up will feature a lineup of East End musicians, including alternative-funk band Farmer's Tan Convention, who will play on the steps of the Museum to kick off the party. Local hip-hop artists ZONASEIS, Dashah, Slayback, and Soul-A-Flex will freestyle in the concert hall, against the backdrop of the artist installation Darkroom. Throughout the night DJ Dave will be on hand spinning hip-hop and dance tracks to keep the crowd moving.
Darkroom, a one-night-only installation comprised of black and white artwork of every medium, is inspired by the current Parrish exhibition, Modern Photographs: The Machine, The Body and The City- Selections from the Charles Cowles Collection. More than 20 young artists, including participants from Long Island art collectives, ARTS4 of Sag Harbor, Bonac Tonic of East Hampton and FRESH of Port Jefferson, will create the works based on the three themes of the exhibition and will be shown under red darkroom-like lighting.
Please visit,, or become friends with Art M. Parrish on Facebook to learn more about the event.
The Southampton Publick House, LABL of Sag Harbor, Smith, The Milk Pail, Rockstar DJ Entertainment, Niche Imports and Smart Water have generously donated their products and services to support the event.
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